Football Quiz # 6

Latest Message: 9 months ago
  • guest_2276 : Don’t understand question 10
  • guest_5896 : Question 3 - it is still pass interference by rule however shouldn’t be call because it’s on the opposite side of the field.
  • guest_2479 : Question 3 there is a problem if it is not call
  • guest_2479 : Question number 9 said k player was n the N zone not the ball
  • Football Question : Welcome to the Chat Forum

Welcome to your Football Quiz # 6

1.. The coaches’ area is a minimum of a 2-yard belt between the front of the team box and the sideline, and becomes a restricted area when the ball is live.

2. A player, replaced player or a substitute is required to leave the field at the side on which his team box is located and go directly to his team box. He must begin to do so within 10 seconds of being so informed

3.The ball becomes dead when any forward pass is simultaneously caught by opposing players.

4.When R23 gains possession of a free kick, blocking below the waist by teammates becomes legal.

5.The kicking tee may not elevate the ball more than 2 inches above the ground.

6.The enforcement spot for any foul by the defense is the previous spot when the run ends in the end zone and would result in a safety.

7.Team A scores a touchdown on the first possession of an extra period. During the try, Team R is flagged for roughing the kicker. The kick is successful


8.It is considered a new force if the muffing or batting of a fumble or kick in flight causes it to change direction.

9. If a player is charged with an unsportsmanlike foul because of a prolonged or excessive act to focus attention on himself, he must also be disqualified.

10.The penalty for targeting an opponent is 15 yards from the basic spot plus an automatic 1st down. The violator shall be disqualified.