Welcome to your NEW Football Quiz # 13

1.Standing in the end zone, R27 catches the kickoff and hands the ball forward to R30 who crosses the goal line and is tackled at R-12.

2. FK, K-40. The ball is rolling on the ground when R20 intentionally kicks the ball at the R-18 which goes out of bounds at the R -12.

3. On a 3rd down play. A43 fumbles short of the line to gain. The ball crosses the line to gain before going out of bounds, last touched by B41.

4. A25 loses 6 yards to the A-34 and during the play A37 blocks B63 in the back above the waist at the A-35.

5. 2/12. a-6. QB A19, drop straight back in his end zone, is unable to find an open receiver. Under a heavy rush he throws the ball away. His forward pass in flight hits lineman A71 in the back, also in his end zone, and falls incomplete.

6. In the first quarter, with the game clock running,Team K is in a scrimmage kick formation with 4th and 8 at the R-35. The play clock expires.

7. 4th and 6 at the B-8. A25 takes a handoff from QB A10 and then fumbles at the B-6.

8. B76 commits a substitution infraction at the snap on a play where A42 runs for a touchdown. After the ball is dead ,A62 commits apersonal foul.

9. 3rd down and 2 . The game clock is running when team A breaks the huddle. All players stop for one second except A18 who continues in motion away from his scrimmage line . The runner ia downed inbounds.

10. A47 is beyond the NZ when he is blocked below the waist by B28. The block forces A47 out of bounds. He returns immediately catches a legal forward pass and is tackled inbounds at the B-36 for a 20 yard gain.